Monday, August 3, 2009

Mission Call Photos

So I'm a really big procrastinator. But I have finally taken the time to download my photos from when I opened my mission call. Here they are! I opened my call with my parents, grandparents Hostetter, and Elaine present. Grandparents Hatch were on the phone.

Me and Dad posing for the camera. I think Mom is trying to call Grandma.

Dad and I posing with my Mission Call.

Me opening my Mission Call.

Me crying as I read the words "you are hearby called to serve in the Italy Catania Mission."

Me crying some
more. :)

Me and Mom reading my call to everyone.


  1. How neat! I can't wait to hear all about it! How exciting that you're going to be learning Italian. I hear the food is fabulous there.
    You will have to send me your address so that we can keep in touch. I would love to 'run into you' when we go there for a vacation :).

  2. How cool!!!! We are so excited for you. You will be a great Sister Missionary!!!!!!!
